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City of Dublin Mayor Candidates Answer Questions on School Overcrowding and Education Issues

September 14, 2014

School BellDublin voters have many important decisions to make on Tuesday November 4, 2014. One of those decisions is to select a new mayor for the City of Dublin.’s mission is focused on education so we posed the same five questions to candidates Kevin Hart, David Haubert and Kasie Hildenbrand:

  1. Given the importance of schools to attracting and retaining families, what will be your top three priorities as Mayor to ensure we have the best schools in the East Bay?
  2. There are significant concerns in the community about school overcrowding and the conversion of commercial property into housing. What will you do to help address this problem?
  3. Students are under tremendous pressure due to global competition, the cost of education and the challenge of being accepted into college. What role should the City play in supporting students?
  4. Not all students are college bound; what role can the City play in helping connect students to other career paths?
  5. One of Dublin’s strengths is the ethnic and socio-economic diversity of our community; what role should the City play in ensuring all families have an equal opportunity to a quality education?

The responses from each of the candidates are available here:

Mark the date: There will also be a debate for City of Dublin mayoral candidates on Thursday October 2 starting at 7:00pm in Dublin City Hall.

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